

Arty Smarty: Upcycled Ukulele (with turning pegs!)

On 21 June annually, every kind of musician—young and old,…

Shake your BBT! Arty Smarty: BBT Bells

It is National Bubble Tea Day! There are two stories as to…

Arty Smarty: Firecracker Shakers, Happy Lunar New Year 2021!

Lunar New Year may not be bustling and atmospheric this year,…

Arty Smarty: Upcycled Drum Set

Since my interview with Knot d'Amour last year, my plan was to…

Ring for Friendship, Arty Smarty: Friendship Bells

The concept for International Friendship Day was originated in…

Spin into Spring! Arty Smarty: Spin Drum

With my eldest in P1 this year, I decided to join the school's…

Arty Smarty: Guitar

Ever wanted to become a rock star in your own band? Try your…

Arty Smarty: Santa Elves' Jingle Bells

As a mother of three, I can vouch that the children will play…